How to Improve Employee Performance?

How to be a better manager? As a manager, you manage a team of people and their performance in particular. Let's look at the reasons of what why does poor performance happen, there are four reasons why poor performance can happen in your employee teams.  

1. Understanding

Do they understand what they are doing? As a manager, it's your responsibility to give them clear instructions and if there is certainly you need to address it. So ask yourself have I given clear instructions do they have the understanding they need to do the job correctly. Did I hire the right person for that job and did I give them the training that they need to do it correctly? Do they have the aptitude or the training and the training actually to do the job properly?

2. Capability

Capability is relative to their aptitude and training aptitude. Do they have the mental capacity to do the job? You have to go through that when you hire them. Did you hire the right person for the right job? Sometimes you have the right people on your team but they're in the wrong jobs. So it's just a question of calibrating and making sure you have the right people on there in the right job that's your responsibility.

3. Resources

To do the job, the computers or the equipment that they need or space or whatever it is. Do they have the resources to do the job properly? That's your responsibility to make sure they have those things. If you manage those things you can immediately circumvent a lot of the poor performance or change poor performance into a better performance without immediately thinking I've got the wrong person or they're doing it wrong or blaming them. If you want to be a good manager you need to take on those responsibilities yourself and realize that those people even if they're not doing a good job they probably want to do a good job, but there's something stopping them from doing a good job and it's probably your responsibility to fix it.

4. Willingness

Willingness is the thing most people want to do a good job right. As a manager you can take a fair amount of confidence that your team wants to succeed, people want to succeed. We have a tight job market where we have a lot of unemployment elevated levels of unemployment, so people know what they want to keep their job they want to do a good job and even just as a matter of pride. It's a natural human instinct that people want to do a good job.

There a chance that you have some people who just don't have a willingness, they don't care about it they don't want to do a good job. Of course, there are always situations like that but they're not that common is the point. So the people you manage are not doing a good job or they're not doing the job you need them to do.


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